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Cristiano Ronaldo Kicknrun

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3.3 (3 vote)

Christiano Ronaldo is a real legend of soccer and there is probably no such person who hasn’t heard this name even if they don’t like football. Today you have a chance to play as this glorified athlete, but in a rather unusual way. Instead of running around the field with the ball, he will be doing the same right in the middle of the street! You have to help him get to the end of the level without losing the ball and colliding into any of the obstacles.

Let the race with a ball begin!

That won’t be very easy since the streets are packed with people and traffic. You have to maneuver deftly in this living and breathing flow and make sure the ball doesn’t get anywhere from you. In the process, you will be collecting bonuses and earning points. The final score depends on your agility and soccer skills!

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