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FIFA Mobile

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3.2 (67 vote)

FIFA is definitely a great football simulator that looks stunning on a large screen. However, technologies don’t stand still, and much of the online gaming sector keeps moving to mobile devices. Now you can enjoy your favorite soccer game not only on your PC, but also on your smartphone or tablet, with the controls and interface being tweaked to fit your portables perfectly!

Feel the thrill of a realistic football match!

Choose your own tactics using various tricks such as flank attacks, wingers, long-range shots and other stuff from the arsenal of the best football players in the league. You can even come up with preset combinations that you can use in standard situations saving up time and quickly reacting to any familiar interactions. It’s up to you to decide whether to involve all of your players in a mass attack or use a bunch of athletes in quick counter attacks. Sensitive controls and realistic physics allow you to feel as if you’re really guiding the ball through the field and you need to consider the slightest aspects such as the ball’s speed and momentum to aim successfully. It’s really like playing at an actual football match, only you can switch between the players of your team and get to be in each of their roles during the same session!

Collect the best players and add them to your team!

FIFA mobile gives you a chance to move up the league and gather your own star team by including world-class players. Collecting them won’t be easy since you’ll have to wait for the right cards that don’t fall out that often. But the more you play the more chances you have to get a really rare and valuable athlete into your team. Discover more playing FIFA mobile online on your smartphone and enjoy an updated experience of virtual soccer on portables!

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